Work of Democratic Leadership School started in 2002, as specific program designed by Nansen Dialogue Center of Montenegro, intended for active and future political decision-makers, recognized bearers of social changes and creators of public opinion, potential and influential initiators of positive social changes and reforms. Since November 2009, administrator of the School is Youth Initiative for Human Rights. Democratic Leadership School has been imagined as the platform for their additional education, framework for attaining new theoretic and practice knowledge and techniques that shall provide participants of the School more professional, efficient, and modern executing of public affairs they are engaged in.
The idea of the organizer is creating political elite in Montenegro, developing competent, efficient political activists capable to adopt and use different knowledge, to use arguments, to think and influence autonomously, to understand basic values which are the ground for ideas and practice of development of democratic society and values of European integrations. Yet, ideas of reforms, successful work of parties, and European integrations are three key focuses of the School. In that manner, the School gives its contribution to more qualitative organization of the work, conduction of democratic reforms, positive transformation of Montenegrin society and more qualitative positioning of our country in the new, enlarged Europe, but it opens the space for critical consideration of opportunities and limitations of transition processes in Montenegro. The School has been supported by series of donors and partnership organizations (NDI, FOSI, OSCE, Council of Europe) and by the very political parties from which participants in the School are being recruited.
Program of the School envisages five modules:
– Development of Program Policies
– European integrations, Decentralization, and Gender equality
– Institutions and reforms – courses of money and safety
– Anticorruption, Overcoming conflicts and Multiethnic relations
– Summer University of Democracy in Strasbourg
Participation in the School is voluntary and free and the only obligation of participants is regular attendance of seminars in the frame of the School.