At the session on 09 February 2016, Administrative court rendered a verdict on our lawsuit, by which it canceled a decision on allocation of funds of the Fund for the protection and exercising of minority rights for 2015, 500.000 EUR were allocated.
This is the fourth repealing verdict of Administrative Court, and none of them has been executed thereafter. This argument itself speaks about the rule of law and enforcement of court decisions in Montenegro. It is obvious that their illegality has been tolerated. As it was already clear after the first verdict of Administrative Court, and findings of National Audit Institution (DRI), international organizations, non-governmental organizations and media, now in the Fund there is a lot of work for bodies for criminal prosecution. Especially, because projects that are not in the spirit of civic and multiethnic Montenegro are financed, and funds are often used for political confrontation.
Please note that Civic Alliance filed another lawsuit for allocation of remaining funds in 2015.
The verdict can be viewed Presuda-fonda-za-zastitu-i-ostvarivane-lj-prava