Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) announces the invitation for tender, requesting the bids for development of interactive web portal and logo for the needs of the project “Building free of torture and impunity societies in Western Balkans”.

Deadlines for submission of offers are:

  • Logo of the project – 31 January 2014
  • Web portal – 10 February 2014 (when portal has to be operational)

Web portal needs to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Portal has to be in three languages (Montenegrin/Serbian, English and Albanian)
  • Portal has to contain all information about the project, partners, base of relevant documents about area the project covers, for the three countries in the project (Montenegro, Serbia, Albania) in three languages
  • Portal has to contain interactive application for reporting the torture on three languages
  • Portal should have dynamic content: news, photo galleries, maps
  • Possibility to upgrade if the need for some new application or new content occurs

Logo of the project should reflect the essence of the very project “Building free of torture and impunity on Western Balkans” – more information about the project you may view on website

Proposed ideas for the logo and detailed bids for development of the portal should be submitted to addresses: or For additional information contact us on +382 20 513 687. Deadline for submission of applications is 27 December 2013 COB.

Categories: News