Three participants from Montenegro, Zoran Dabetić, Anđela Veljić and Milica Striković had the opportunity to participate in the exchange of young people from the region, within which the international film festival “DokuFest” was held in Prizren.
DokuFest, the international festival of documentary and short films, is the biggest film festival in Kosovo. Each year, over 200 films from around the world are shown, and documentary photography exhibitions, debates and musical performances are also an integral part of the festival.
The director of the festival talked about production, films, the way of filing and selection of films.
They were able to hear more about the situation of youth and human rights in general by the non-governmental sector of Serbia and Kosovo. They also heard lectures about Kosovo during the 1990s, regime of Milosevic and missing victims of the war.
The visit to this festival was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo.
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